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Chamber of the Sacred Relic

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You enter an old and abandoned temple, whose eroding walls bear witness to the passage of time. Its unsettling atmosphere hints at numerous secrets and dangers lurking within. This sacred place, once dedicated to the gods, is now ruled by the silence of oblivion. Deep within, it hides the legendary sanctuary of the Holy Seal, where the long-forgotten Crystal of Everlight slumbers. To get the crystal into your hands, you must navigate a complex route through the winding corridors of the temple, overcome its treacherous traps, and avoid the ever-present dangers. Whether it's the rugged terrain that forces you to watch your every step, or the deceitful shadows that could awaken and attack at any moment, the temple is a true labyrinth of horror. You must make a test on AGILITY & MECHANICS or ARCANA & DIVINE with a negative dice roll.

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